We're happy to announce that The Empire has turned 5 years old!
During this time a lot has happened, what started out as this small group that hung out in the stream chat, to the community it is today.
Inspiring discussions are being held and mind-blowing information is being shared on a daily basis.
New members are welcomed into the community and being made feel at home the moment they join.
Connecting with likeminded people in the industry of any level is done in a casual way and meaningful relationships are being built.
Offering support in times of need and always pushing each other to become better versions of ourselves.
Notable achievements are being celebrated and steady progress towards all of our goals is being made.
All of this is what this community is about and we want to thank all of you for contributing and being part of it!
We have some stuff planned to celebrate this milestone, expect more on that on Monday's stream!
Join our Discord server to stay updated on news!